1 1/2 tsp Agar-agar Powder
50g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
200ml Water
120g Pumpkin Puree (steamed and mashed while hot)
Method :
1) Place the agar-agar powder, sugar, salt and water in a pot. Boil for 1 minute.
2) Add the pumpkin puree continue boil for 3 minutes.
3) Fill the agg yolk mould.
4) Once set, remove from mould. Refrigerate and keep aside.
Outer layer ingredient (4 round shape and 4 square shape mooncake mould) :
1 1/2 tbsp Agar-agar Powder
160g Sugar
750ml Water
150g Yam Puree (steamed and blend)
300ml Coconut Milk
Method :
1) Place the agar-agar powder, sugar, water and yam puree in a pot. Boil for 2 minute.
2) Add the coconut milk continue boil for 30 seconds.
3) Fill the mooncake mould 1/2 full. Let it settle for about 80%.
4) Slowly place an pumpkin egg yolk into each mooncake mould.
5) Continue fill-up the mooncake mould. Set aside.
6) Once cold, refrigerate.